Saturday, January 29, 2011

Snow, snow and more snow

Here it is Jan 29th with the month gone, won't be too long before it's summer and we will be on a plane to Athens for a lifetime event.  I know the team will excel but it's too bad we cant get a little cooperation from the big guy upstairs with the weather.  We missed again on Thursday night because of another snow storm and we have no practice next week because most of the team is involved in winter sports.   New Brunswick is holding their winter games in Gagetown and our winter sport teams use it as a qualifier for the SO national games to be held in 2012.  Most of the team either curl or play floor hockey, hopefully they will all do good and make the PEI team.
Richard is still laid up so these two weeks we missed will be a benefit to him.  The boys all miss him just thank heavens it didn't happen a few days before we leave for Athens.
All for now, in a few weeks I will do a bit of a profile on the players, nothing personal just a few facts about them.  They are a great group of young men and any parent would be proud to call them son.
Till next time, take care.

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