Friday, October 1, 2010

Time to get started.

Just got an E-MAIL to advise me the coaches, Richard, Judy and I will be holding a meeting on Thursday September 16 to discuss setting up a training program for the winter to sharpen their skills and to keep the boys in shape.  We spent the last 10 months before the Canada games getting the boys ready and we will be doing the same thing this winter to prepare for the World Olympics.
They are a good bunch who always give their best and after this winters training they will be even better than they were last year.  I finally caught on that a coaches job is to hone the skills of their athletes and to make them better at their sport.  Sometimes when you are trying to explain their mistake it is taken as personal criticism and you have to explain to them the idea is to make them better players.   These boys will win a medal next June in Athens, Greece you can quote me on this, just what medal we will win is the only question. 

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